Avocado Asks
Avocado Asks, written by Momoko Abe and translated by Takami Nieda, is a heartwarming and thought-provoking story about a young avocado named Avocado who embarks on a quest to find the meaning of life.
Avocado lives in a world where fruits and vegetables can talk. He is a curious and inquisitive avocado who loves to ask questions. One day, Avocado asks his mother, "What is the meaning of life?" His mother tells him that the meaning of life is to find your own happiness. Avocado sets out on a journey to find his own happiness, and along the way he meets a variety of interesting characters, including a wise old strawberry, a clever carrot, and a kind-hearted tomato.
Through his interactions with these characters, Avocado learns about the importance of friendship, family, and love. He also learns that the meaning of life is not something that can be found overnight. It is a journey that takes time, effort, and self-reflection. In the end, Avocado comes to understand that the meaning of life is to live each day to the fullest and to make the most of every opportunity.
Avocado Asks is a beautifully illustrated book that is sure to appeal to readers of all ages. It is a story that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.
Here are some of the key takeaways from Avocado Asks:
- The meaning of life is to find your own happiness.
- Happiness is not something that can be found overnight. It is a journey that takes time, effort, and self-reflection.
- The best way to find happiness is to live each day to the fullest and to make the most of every opportunity.
- Friendship, family, and love are all important ingredients for a happy life.
- It is never too late to find the meaning of life.
If you are looking for a book that will make you think, make you laugh, and make you cry, then Avocado Asks is the perfect book for you.