
The Guest List

The Guest List

by Lucy Foley (Author)

Book: The Guest List

Author: Lucy Foley

Genre: Mystery, Thriller


On an island off the coast of Ireland, a wedding celebration turns deadly when one of the guests is found dead. As the body count rises, the remaining guests find themselves trapped on the island, with a killer in their midst. Detective Inspector Jack Haley is called in to investigate, but he soon finds himself caught up in a web of secrets and lies.


Lucy Foley's The Guest List is a gripping and twisty mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end. The story is set on a remote island off the coast of Ireland, and the atmosphere is thick with tension and suspicion.

The characters are all well-developed and complex, and each one has their own secrets and motives. The reader is never sure who to trust, and the tension builds as the body count rises.

Foley does a great job of keeping the reader guessing, and the twists and turns in the plot are unexpected and shocking. The ending is also satisfying and leaves the reader with a sense of closure.

Overall, The Guest List is a must-read for fans of mystery and thriller novels. It is a well-written and suspenseful story that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Rating: 5/5 stars


400 pages