
The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer

The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer

by Steven Kotler (Author)

Bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of those elite performers—athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more—who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we too can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more attainable for all of us.

What does it take to accomplish the impossible? What does it take to shatter our limitations, exceed our expectations, and turn our biggest dreams into our most recent achievements? 

We are capable of so much more than we know—that’s the message at the core of The Art of Impossible. Building upon cutting-edge neuroscience and over twenty years of research, bestselling author, peak performance expert and Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective, Steven Kotler lays out a blueprint for extreme performance improvement. If you want to aim high, here is the playbook to make it happen!

Inspirational and aspirational, pragmatic and accessible, The Art of Impossible is a life-changing experience disguised as a how-to manual for peak performance that anyone can use to shoot for the stars . . . space-suit, not included. 

Book Title: The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer

Author: Steven Kotler

Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Peak Performance


In "The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer," Steven Kotler, a renowned author and journalist, explores the fascinating world of peak performance and provides practical strategies for achieving extraordinary results in various aspects of life.

Key Points:

1. Understanding Flow States: Kotler introduces the concept of flow states, a heightened state of consciousness where individuals experience optimal performance, intense focus, and a sense of effortless action.

2. The Four Pillars of Peak Performance: The book identifies four key pillars that contribute to peak performance: Vision, Belief, Practice, and Activation.

3. Vision: Setting clear and compelling goals is essential for achieving peak performance. Kotler emphasizes the importance of creating a vivid and detailed vision of what success looks like.

4. Belief: Developing a strong belief in one's ability to succeed is crucial. Kotler explores the role of self-confidence, self-efficacy, and the power of positive affirmations in enhancing performance.

5. Practice: Consistent and deliberate practice is essential for mastery. Kotler emphasizes the importance of focused practice, feedback loops, and the use of technology to optimize training.

6. Activation: The final pillar, activation, involves harnessing the power of emotions, motivation, and mental triggers to optimize performance. Kotler provides strategies for accessing flow states and maintaining peak performance under pressure.

7. Case Studies and Examples: The book includes numerous case studies and examples of individuals who have achieved remarkable feats in various fields, such as sports, business, and the arts. These stories illustrate the principles of peak performance and inspire readers to push their own limits.

8. Practical Exercises and Techniques: Kotler offers practical exercises, tools, and techniques that readers can apply to their own lives to improve their performance and achieve their goals.


"The Art of Impossible" is an inspiring and informative guide to achieving peak performance. Through Kotler's engaging writing style and well-researched insights, readers gain a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to exceptional results. The book empowers individuals to unlock their full potential, overcome challenges, and achieve extraordinary outcomes in their chosen endeavors.


336 pages
January 19, 2021