
I'm Trying to Love Spiders

I'm Trying to Love Spiders

by Bethany Barton (Author)

The Official Spider Test.

What do you do when you see a spider?

a. Lay on a BIG spidey smoocheroo.

b. Smile, but back away slowly.

c. Grab the closest object, wind up, and let it fly.

d. Run away screaming. 

If you chose b, c, or d, then this book is for you! (If you chose a, you might be crazy.) 

I’m Trying to Love Spiders will help you see these amazing arachnids in a whole new light, from their awesomely excessive eight eyes, to the seventy-five pounds of bugs a spider can eat in a single year! And you’re sure to feel better knowing you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than being fatally bit by a spider. Comforting, right? No? Either way, there’s heaps more information in here to help you forget your fears . . . or at least laugh a lot!

Embark on a captivating journey of self-discovery and transformation with Bethany Barton's remarkable book, "I'm Trying to Love Spiders." Delve into the heart-wrenching and inspiring tale of Claire, a young woman grappling with a debilitating fear of spiders.

Claire's phobia has taken a firm hold on her life, affecting her relationships, her ability to work, and even her sense of self-worth. Determined to overcome her fear, Claire embarks on an extraordinary quest to confront her arachnophobia face to face.

As she embarks on this daunting challenge, Claire encounters a fascinating cast of characters, including an eccentric therapist, a supportive friend, and a wise spider-loving mentor. Through their interactions and Claire's own introspective journey, readers are taken on a profound exploration of fear, courage, and the transformative power of facing one's deepest anxieties.

With humor, vulnerability, and unwavering determination, Claire embarks on a series of small, yet significant steps towards her goal. From attending spider workshops to confronting her fears in virtual reality, her journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance.

In "I'm Trying to Love Spiders," Bethany Barton weaves a compelling narrative that interweaves Claire's personal story with captivating insights into the natural world and the fascinating behavior of spiders. Through Claire's eyes, readers gain a newfound appreciation for these often-misunderstood creatures and the important role they play in the ecosystem.

More than just a story about overcoming a fear, "I'm Trying to Love Spiders" is an ode to the transformative power of courage, the strength of human connection, and the beauty of embracing the unknown. It is a book that will resonate with readers long after they finish the final page, leaving them inspired to face their own fears and embrace life with newfound courage and compassion.


40 pages