
The Snail with the Right Heart: A True Story

The Snail with the Right Heart: A True Story

by Maria Popova (Author)

Based on a real scientific event and inspired by a beloved real human in the author’s life, this is a story about science and the poetry of existence; about time and chance, genetics and gender, love and death, evolution and infinity ― concepts often too abstract for the human mind to fathom, often more accessible to the young imagination; concepts made fathomable in the concrete, finite life of one tiny, unusual creature dwelling in a pile of compost amid an English garden. Emerging from this singular life is a lyrical universal invitation not to mistake difference for defect and to welcome, across the accordion scales of time and space, diversity as the wellspring of the universe’s beauty and resilience.

"The Snail with the Right Heart: A True Story" by Maria Popova is a captivating and heartwarming tale about an extraordinary snail named Jeremy. With his remarkable ability to navigate through life with a heart on the right side, Jeremy embarks on a journey of resilience, determination, and the unwavering belief in his own abilities.

In a vibrant and lush garden, Jeremy sets out to explore the world around him. Despite the challenges he faces due to his unique anatomy, Jeremy's indomitable spirit shines through. He encounters numerous obstacles, from curious insects to unpredictable weather, yet he never allows adversity to hold him back.

As Jeremy's fame spreads throughout the garden, he becomes a symbol of hope and inspiration for all creatures. His story resonates with readers of all ages, reminding us that true strength lies in embracing our differences and believing in ourselves. With humor, wit, and a touch of whimsy, Maria Popova weaves a narrative that celebrates the beauty of diversity and the power of perseverance.

In a world where conformity often takes precedence, "The Snail with the Right Heart" stands as a testament to the extraordinary things that can be achieved when we dare to be different. Through Jeremy's journey, readers are invited to reflect upon their own unique gifts and to embrace them with pride and determination.

With enchanting illustrations that bring Jeremy's world to life, "The Snail with the Right Heart" is a must-read for anyone seeking a story that uplifts the spirit and reminds us of the boundless potential that lies within each of us.


56 pages
February 2, 2021