
O Cérebro Autista

O Cérebro Autista

by Temple Grandin (Author)

Conheça a vanguarda da ciência sobre o autismo Ao mesclar novas e surpreendentes descobertas com a sua própria experiência como autista, Temple Grandin evidencia os avanços científicos neste campo, compartilha conosco suas ressonâncias cerebrais para mostrar quais anomalias podem explicar os sintomas mais simples e, de forma animadora, argumenta que a educação de crianças autistas não deve centrar-se apenas em suas fraquezas, o que multiplica as formas de aproveitar suas contribuições únicas. Dos “Aspies” do Vale do Silício até uma criança não verbal, Grandin compreende o real significado da palavra “espectro”, o que faz deste livro uma leitura essencial sobre o assunto. Temple Grandin é autista e revolucionou as práticas de tratamento de animais em fazendas e abatedouros. Ph.D. em zootecnia, é professora de ciência animal na Colorado State University e autora de best-sellers que já somaram mais de 1 milhão de exemplares vendidos. O filme da HBO Temple Grandin recebeu sete Emmys, incluindo os de melhor filme para televisão e de melhor atriz para Claire Danes, que também ganhou o Globo de Ouro ao interpretar Grandin. Richard Panek é jornalista e escritor premiado, autor de The 4 Percent Universe e ganhador de um prêmio de reconhecimento na área de escrita científica pela John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, tendo sido traduzido para mais de quinze idiomas.

In her groundbreaking book, "O Cérebro Autista", Temple Grandin offers a unique and insightful perspective on the autistic mind. Drawing on her own experiences as a person with autism, as well as her extensive research and work with autistic individuals, Grandin provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the autistic spectrum.

Grandin begins by dispelling common myths and misconceptions about autism, challenging the notion that it is a debilitating disorder. Instead, she emphasizes the strengths and abilities that many autistic people possess, such as their often-exceptional attention to detail, their ability to think in concrete and visual terms, and their creative and innovative thinking.

Grandin also explores the challenges that autistic individuals face, both in terms of their own internal experiences and in their interactions with the broader world. She discusses the difficulties that many autistic people have with social interactions, communication, and sensory processing, and she provides practical strategies for addressing these challenges.

One of the most valuable aspects of Grandin's book is her emphasis on the importance of understanding and accepting autistic individuals for who they are. She argues that society needs to move away from a focus on curing autism and towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for autistic people.

"O Cérebro Autista" is an essential read for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of autism. Grandin's insights and experiences provide a unique and valuable perspective on this complex and fascinating condition.

Here are some key takeaways from "O Cérebro Autista":

  • Autism is a spectrum disorder, and there is no one-size-fits-all definition.
  • Autistic people have strengths and abilities that are often overlooked or undervalued.
  • The challenges that autistic people face are both internal and external.
  • Society needs to move away from a focus on curing autism and towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for autistic people.

If you are interested in learning more about autism, I highly recommend reading "O Cérebro Autista". It is a thought-provoking and informative book that will challenge your assumptions and give you a new perspective on this complex condition.

