Bob Books Set 1: Beginning Readers
This is Bob Books bestselling first reader, introduced more than 35 years ago and used by millions of children. If your child knows the alphabet, Bob Books Set 1 is the book to start him or her on the path to reading.Many early readers contain words that are too difficult for a child who has just learned the sounds of the alphabet. Not these books! Using only the letters M, A, T and S, children can read their first book. New letters are added gradually, until all letters of the alphabet have been introduced (except Q). Short vowels and three-letter words in simple sentences help kids build reading confidence. They love the stories and funny pictures, and can't wait to read them to everybody they know.
Bob Books Set 1: Beginning Readers by Bobby Lynn Maslen is a delightful collection of 12 easy-to-read books designed for beginning readers. This set is perfect for children ages 4-6 who are just starting to learn to read. The books are filled with simple stories, engaging illustrations, and repetitive text that help children build their reading skills and confidence.
The 12 books in this set include:
- Bob Books Beginning Readers: Set 1 - Easy-to-Read Books: Pre-Reading Skills (Bob Books Beginning Readers)
- Bob Books Set 1: Beginning Readers: Sight Words and Easy Stories (Bob Books Sight Words and Easy Stories)
- Bob Books Set 1: Rhyming Words and More Sight Words (Bob Books Rhyming Words and More Sight Words)
- Bob Books Set 1: Fun With Words and Easy Stories (Bob Books Fun With Words and Easy Stories)
- Bob Books Set 1: Easy-to-Read Stories (Bob Books Easy-to-Read Stories)
- Bob Books Set 1: More Easy-to-Read Stories (Bob Books More Easy-to-Read Stories)
- Bob Books Set 1: Easy-to-Read Adventures (Bob Books Easy-to-Read Adventures)
- Bob Books Set 1: More Easy-to-Read Adventures (Bob Books More Easy-to-Read Adventures)
- Bob Books Set 1: Early Emergent Readers: Look and Find (Bob Books Early Emergent Readers)
- Bob Books Set 1: Early Emergent Readers: Lift and Look (Bob Books Early Emergent Readers)
- Bob Books Set 1: Big Books: Big Dog and Little Dog
- Bob Books Set 1: Big Books: The Treehouse
With its simple text, engaging illustrations, and repetitive storylines, Bob Books Set 1 is a great way to introduce young children to the world of reading. These books will help children build their reading skills and confidence, and they will also provide them with a fun and enjoyable reading experience.