
The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World

The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World

by Dorie Clark (Author)

Your personal goals need a long-term strategy.  

It's no secret that we're pushed to the limit. Today's professionals feel rushed, overwhelmed, and perennially behind. How can we break out of the cycle and create the kind of interesting, meaningful lives that we all seek? Just as CEOs who optimize for quarterly profits often fail to make the strategic investments necessary for long-term growth, the same is true in our own personal and professional lives. As top business thinker and Duke University professor Dorie Clark explains, we all know intellectually that lasting success takes persistence and effort. And yet, so much of the relentless pressure in our culture pushes us toward doing what's easy, what's guaranteed, and what looks glamorous in the moment. 

In The Long Game, she argues for a different path. It's about doing small things over time to achieve your goals - and being willing to keep at them, even when they seem pointless, boring, or hard. In The Long Game, Clark shares unique principles and frameworks, as well as her own instructive experiences, to show how you can tap the same 24 hours everyone has - but leverage them in more efficient and powerful ways to break out of the frenetic day-to-day routine and transform your life and career.

The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World by Dorie Clark is a thought-provoking guide to developing a long-term mindset in a world that often prioritizes short-term gains. Clark argues that long-term thinking is essential for personal and professional success, and she offers practical strategies for cultivating this mindset.

One of the key themes of the book is the importance of setting long-term goals. Clark emphasizes the need to think beyond immediate rewards and focus on the big picture. She encourages readers to identify their core values and passions, and to align their goals with these values. She also stresses the importance of breaking down long-term goals into smaller, more manageable steps, and to celebrate progress along the way.

Clark also discusses the importance of building relationships. She argues that strong relationships are essential for success in any field, and she offers tips for building and maintaining these relationships. She emphasizes the importance of being genuine, being a good listener, and being willing to help others. She also encourages readers to seek out mentors and advisors who can provide guidance and support.

Finally, Clark addresses the challenges of staying motivated in the face of setbacks and distractions. She offers strategies for overcoming procrastination, dealing with criticism, and staying focused on your goals. She also emphasizes the importance of self-care, and she encourages readers to take breaks when they need them and to find ways to relax and recharge.

The Long Game is an inspiring and practical guide to developing a long-term mindset. Clark's insights and strategies can help readers to achieve their goals, both personally and professionally. Whether you're just starting out in your career or you're looking to take your success to the next level, this book is a valuable resource.


September 21, 2021