DiPiros Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 12th Edition
DiPiros Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 12th Edition
By Joseph DiPiro
DiPiros Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach is a concise, yet comprehensive textbook of pharmacology that provides a solid foundation in basic and clinical pharmacotherapeutics. The book is divided into five parts, with each part covering a different aspect of pharmacology. Part I introduces the principles of pharmacology and pharmacokinetics and provides an overview of drug metabolism and excretion. Part II discusses the major classes of drugs, including antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, and cardiovascular drugs. Part III covers the pathophysiology and management of specific diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Part IV discusses special populations, such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Part V concludes the book with a discussion of drug interactions and toxicity.
The 12th edition of DiPiros Pharmacotherapy has been revised and updated to reflect the latest advances in pharmacology. The book now includes new chapters on pharmacogenomics, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The book also includes a new appendix on drug interactions.
DiPiros Pharmacotherapy is an essential resource for students and practitioners of medicine, pharmacy, and other health professions. The book provides a clear and concise overview of pharmacology and therapeutics and helps readers understand the basic principles of drug action.
Key Features
- Concise, yet comprehensive coverage of basic and clinical pharmacotherapeutics
- Division into five parts, each covering a different aspect of pharmacology
- Discussion of major classes of drugs, including antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, and cardiovascular drugs
- Coverage of the pathophysiology and management of specific diseases
- Discussion of special populations, such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly
- New chapters on pharmacogenomics, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy
- New appendix on drug interactions
"DiPiros Pharmacotherapy is an excellent resource for students and practitioners of medicine, pharmacy, and other health professions. The book provides a clear and concise overview of pharmacology and therapeutics and helps readers understand the basic principles of drug action." - Doody's Review Service
"DiPiros Pharmacotherapy is a well-written and comprehensive textbook of pharmacology. The book is easy to read and understand, and it provides a solid foundation in basic and clinical pharmacotherapeutics." - American Journal of Pharmacy