
Successful Organic Lawns

Successful Organic Lawns

by Douglas Green (Author)

If you follow the directions in this ebook, your organic lawns will look as good (or better) than the neighbors. And you, your kids, and your pets can roll around out there playing without concern for noxious cancer or disease-causing chemicals. Your neighbors will also thank you for reducing the amount of chemicals in their environment as well. Award winning garden author Doug Green outlines the nine easy steps you can take to create a healthy lawn masterpiece in easy-to-follow steps debunking away the myths promoted by the lawn-chemical companies. Green starts by introducing you to the basics of organic thinking about lawns and quickly follows with step-by-step and season by season steps to create that perfect lawn using organic and environmentally sustainable techniques. Weed and insect control for the average lawn is fully covered including tips not often found about how to really make organic techniques work on the average home lawn. He also launches into his trademark humor with the last section - a Guys Guide to Low Maintenance Lawn Care.Green, an award-winning veteran of the nursery trade has written 8 print books but now writes exclusively for the Internet and his websites. We have made it easy for you to find a PDF Ebooks without any digging. And by having access to our ebooks online or by storing it on your computer, you have convenient answers with Successful Organic Lawns. To get started finding Successful Organic Lawns, you are right to find our website which has a comprehensive collection of manuals listed. Our library is the biggest of these that have literally hundreds of thousands of different products represented.

In Douglas Green's "Successful Organic Lawns," readers will discover a comprehensive guide to achieving and maintaining healthy, thriving lawns without relying on synthetic chemicals and pesticides.

This book delves into the fundamentals of organic lawn care, providing step-by-step instructions and practical advice for both novice and experienced gardeners. Green emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining a healthy soil ecosystem, as it serves as the foundation for a lush, resilient lawn.

Readers will learn how to assess their soil's condition, select the appropriate organic fertilizers and amendments, and implement proper watering techniques to promote deep root growth and drought tolerance.

"Successful Organic Lawns" also covers various organic methods for managing common lawn pests and diseases, such as grubs, weeds, and fungal infections. Green provides detailed guidance on identifying and addressing these issues using natural, eco-friendly solutions.

Furthermore, the book explores the benefits of incorporating native plant species and wildflowers into lawn areas, promoting biodiversity and creating a more sustainable ecosystem. Green encourages readers to embrace a holistic approach to lawn care, considering the impact of their choices on the environment and the overall health of their local ecosystem.

"Successful Organic Lawns" is a valuable resource for homeowners, landscapers, and anyone interested in creating a beautiful, healthy lawn while minimizing their environmental impact. Douglas Green's expertise and passion for organic gardening shine through in this comprehensive guide, inspiring readers to cultivate a vibrant, sustainable lawn that is both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to the environment.
