
Girl in Pieces

Girl in Pieces

by Kathleen Glasgow (Author)

Charlotte Davis is in pieces. At seventeen she’s already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she’s learned how to forget. The broken glass washes away the sorrow until there is nothing but calm. You don’t have to think about your father and the river. Your best friend, who is gone forever. Or your mother, who has nothing left to give you.

Every new scar hardens Charlie’s heart just a little more, yet it still hurts so much. It hurts enough to not care anymore, which is sometimes what has to happen before you can find your way back from the edge.

In Kathleen Glasgow's "Girl in Pieces", we encounter the poignant and deeply personal journey of seventeen-year-old Charlotte Davis, a young woman grappling with the complexities of trauma, mental illness, and the search for identity. Charlotte's life is marked by a series of heart-wrenching events, including sexual assault, self-harm, and familial dysfunction, which have left her feeling shattered and lost.

As Charlotte navigates the tumultuous waters of adolescence, she struggles to find solace and understanding in a world that often seems indifferent to her pain. She embarks on a series of risky behaviors, seeking escape from the turmoil within, while simultaneously yearning for connection and love. Through her raw and honest prose, Glasgow delves into the intricate workings of Charlotte's mind, capturing the tumultuous emotions and fragmented thoughts that consume her.

"Girl in Pieces" is a powerful and unflinching exploration of trauma and its aftermath. Glasgow's writing is both lyrical and visceral, weaving a tapestry of emotions that resonate deeply with readers. Charlotte's journey is one of resilience and self-discovery, as she gradually finds the strength to confront her demons and piece together the shattered fragments of her life.

The narrative unfolds through Charlotte's diary entries, which provide an intimate and deeply personal perspective on her experiences. Glasgow's use of this literary device allows readers to enter Charlotte's world and witness her struggles firsthand. The diary entries are raw, honest, and often heart-wrenching, offering a glimpse into the turmoil that Charlotte is enduring.

"Girl in Pieces" is a compelling and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of mental illness and the lasting impact of trauma. Glasgow's skillful storytelling and empathetic portrayal of Charlotte make this book a powerful and unforgettable read. It is a story that will resonate with readers long after they have finished the last page.


Delacorte Press
30 August 2016