
A Land of Permanent Goodbyes

A Land of Permanent Goodbyes

by Atia Abawi (Author)

Narrated by Destiny, this heartbreaking - and timely - story of refugees escaping from war-torn Syria is masterfully told by a foreign news correspondent who experienced the crisis firsthand.

In a country ripped apart by war, Tareq lives with his big and loving family...until the bombs strike. His city is in ruins. His life is destroyed. And those who have survived are left to figure out their uncertain future. 

In the wake of destruction, he's threatened by Daesh fighters and witnesses a public beheading. Tareq's family knows that to continue to stay alive, they must leave. As they travel as refugees from Syria to Turkey to Greece, facing danger at every turn, Tareq must find the resilience and courage to complete his harrowing journey. 

But while this is one family's story, it is also the timeless tale of all wars, of all tragedy, and of all strife. When you are a refugee, success is outliving your loss. 

Destiny narrates this heartbreaking story of the consequences of war, showing the Syrian conflict as part of a long chain of struggles spanning through time. An award-winning author and journalist - and a refugee herself - Atia Abawi captures the hope that spurs people forward against all odds and the love that makes that hope grow.

In A Land of Permanent Goodbyes, Atia Abawi presents a heart-wrenching tale set during the tumultuous years of the Syrian Civil War. Through the eyes of a young Syrian woman, Sara, the novel delves into the depths of human resilience and the devastating impact of war on individuals and families.

Sara, a once-vibrant university student, finds her life uprooted when the war reaches her hometown of Aleppo. Forced to flee her beloved city, she embarks on a dangerous journey to seek refuge in neighboring Turkey with her younger brother, Khalil. As they navigate the treacherous terrain of war-torn Syria, Sara and Khalil encounter countless hardships, witnessing firsthand the horrors of conflict and the profound loss of human life.

In the midst of chaos and despair, Sara finds solace in her memories of the life she left behind. Through flashbacks and poignant reflections, she recalls cherished moments with her family and friends, the beauty of her homeland, and the dreams she once held for the future. These memories serve as a lifeline, anchoring her to the past and providing her with the strength to carry on despite the overwhelming odds.

As Sara and Khalil navigate the complexities of life as refugees in Turkey, they face新たな異なる課題に直面します。 They struggle to adapt to a new culture, language, and way of life, while also dealing with the psychological scars of the war. Through their interactions with other refugees, aid workers, and members of the Turkish community, Sara and Khalil gain a deeper understanding of the global refugee crisis and the challenges faced by those displaced from their homes.

A Land of Permanent Goodbyes is a powerful and moving story of resilience, loss, and the enduring power of hope amidst unimaginable hardship. Atia Abawi's skillful storytelling brings to life the plight of Syrian refugees, raising awareness of the human cost of war and the urgent need for compassion and empathy in addressing this global humanitarian crisis.


June 13, 2018