
Mixed Plate: Chronicles of an All-American Combo

Mixed Plate: Chronicles of an All-American Combo

by Jo Koy (Author)

Well guys, here it is - my story. A funny, sad, at times pathetic but also kick-ass tale of how a half-Filipino, half-White kid whose mom thought (and still thinks) his career goal was to a become clown became a success. Not an overnight success, because that would have made for a really short story, but an all-American success who could give my immigrant mom the kind of life she hoped for when she came to this country and my son the kind of life I wished I’d had as a kid. With all the details of what it felt like to get the doors closed in my face, to grind it out on the road with my arsenal of dick jokes, and how my career finally took off once I embraced the craziness of my family, which I always thought was uniquely Filipino but turns out is as universal as it gets. 

In this book, I’ll take you behind the mic, behind the curtain - okay, way behind it. From growing up with a mom who made me dance like Michael Jackson at the Knights of Columbus, to some real dark stuff, the stuff we don’t talk about often enough as immigrants. Mental health, poverty, drinking. And show you the path to my American dream, which was paved with a lot of failure, department store raffle tickets to win free color televisions, bad jokes, old VHS tapes, a motorcycle my mom probably still hates, the only college final I aced (wasn’t math), and getting my first laugh on stage. There’s photo evidence of it all here, too.

In this book, I get serious about my funny. And I want to make you laugh a little while I do it. I’m like Hawaii’s favorite lunch - the mixed plate. Little bit of this, a little bit of that. My book Mixed Plate is too. 

Mixed Plate illuminates the burning drive and unique humor that make Jo Koy one of today’s most successful comedians.

Mixed Plate: Chronicles of an All-American Combo by Jo Koy is a hilarious and heartwarming memoir that follows the comedian's journey from growing up in a Filipino-American family in Tacoma, Washington, to becoming one of the most successful stand-up comics in the world.

Koy's writing is witty and engaging, and he has a knack for bringing his characters to life. He writes about his parents, his siblings, his friends, and his extended family with love and humor, and he shines a light on the unique challenges and joys of being a first-generation American.

Mixed Plate is more than just a celebrity memoir. It's a story about family, identity, and the American dream. Koy's story is inspiring and relatable, and it will resonate with anyone who has ever felt like an outsider.

Here are some of the key themes in Mixed Plate:

  • Family: Koy's family is the center of his life, and he writes about them with love and humor. He describes the challenges of growing up in a bicultural household, and he celebrates the strength and resilience of his parents and siblings.
  • Identity: Koy struggled with his identity as a Filipino-American growing up. He felt like he didn't belong in either culture, and he was often made fun of for being different. However, he eventually learned to embrace his heritage and is now proud to be both Filipino and American.
  • The American Dream: Koy's story is a testament to the American dream. He came to the United States with his family when he was young, and he worked hard to achieve his goals. He is now a successful comedian, actor, and author, and he is living proof that anything is possible in America.

Mixed Plate is a funny, heartwarming, and inspiring memoir that will appeal to fans of stand-up comedy, Asian American literature, and anyone who has ever felt like an outsider.


March 23, 2021