
The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy

The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy

by Dennis Prager (Author)

Is the Bible, the most influential book in world history, still relevant? Why do people dismiss it as being irrelevant, irrational, immoral, or all of these things? This explanation of the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible, will demonstrate how it remains profoundly relevant—both to the great issues of our day and to each individual life. Do you doubt the existence of God because you think believing in God is irrational? This book will cause you to reexamine your doubts. The title of this commentary is The Rational Bible because its approach is entirely reason-based. The reader is never asked to accept anything on faith alone. In Dennis Prager’s words, “If something I write is not rational, I have not done my job.” The Rational Bible is the fruit of Prager’s forty years of teaching to people of every faith and no faith at all. On virtually every page, you will discover how the text relates to the contemporary world in general and to you on a personal level. His goal: to change your mind—and, as a result, to change your life.

The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy by Dennis Prager is a thought-provoking and insightful analysis of the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible. Prager, a renowned talk radio host and author, takes a rational and logical approach to understanding the text, offering fresh perspectives and challenging traditional interpretations.

Prager begins by providing a brief overview of the book of Deuteronomy, setting the historical and literary context for its composition. He then delves into a detailed examination of the book's content, exploring its themes, teachings, and commandments. Throughout his analysis, Prager emphasizes the rational and ethical underpinnings of Judaism, arguing that the Torah is not merely a collection of arbitrary rules and regulations, but rather a guide to living a moral and fulfilling life.

One of the key themes that Prager explores in The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy is the concept of justice. He argues that the Torah's emphasis on justice is not simply a matter of retributive punishment, but rather a reflection of the belief that all human beings are created equal and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Prager also highlights the importance of compassion and mercy in Judaism, arguing that these qualities are essential for creating a just and harmonious society.

In addition to his analysis of the book's teachings, Prager also addresses some of the historical and archaeological evidence that sheds light on the origins and development of Judaism. He argues that the Torah is a product of a long process of evolution, reflecting the changing social, cultural, and political circumstances of the ancient Israelites. Prager also challenges the notion that the Torah is a monolithic text, arguing that it contains a diversity of viewpoints and perspectives that reflect the complex and multifaceted nature of ancient Israelite society.

The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy is a valuable resource for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the book of Deuteronomy and the broader context of Judaism. Prager's rational and logical approach to the text makes it accessible to readers of all backgrounds, while his fresh insights and challenging perspectives offer a new way of looking at this ancient text.


500 pages